Sunday, March 28, 2010

We aren't that stupid, are we?

Astonishing. Here we have Republicans blaming everybody but themselves for the nation's ills. The record-setting deficit. An economy in the tank. Huge portions of the population without health care insurance. A deteriorating infrastructure. An ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. A racist society. Yes, the whole shebang is the fault of Obama and the Democrats and the liberals and the socialists. Give me a break, folks. All of this stuff has reached cataclysmic proportions under Republican rule. When Republicans controlled Congress and the White House. It's the result of archaic Republican policies linked more to the 18th century than modern times. Republicans are telling us that Armageddon is here. That the sky is falling. And that unless we return them to power, we'll all go to hell. And to add insult to all this, the Republicans expect us to believe that they will be our savior. Yes, that only Republicans can save us. The very same Republicans that got us into this mess. Well, as the eternal optimist, I'm gonna bet that we Americans aren't that stupid. But hey, we'll find out. Sooner or later. --Jim Broede

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