Saturday, March 6, 2010

You barbarians won't take it away.

I'm reading reports that China's annual military spending hovers around $105 billion. Do you know how that compares with the U.S.? Well, would you believe that outlays for our national defense will be $719 billion this year? Yes, six times that of China. And more than all the money spent on defense by all the other countries on Earth. It sure shows we Americans have our priorities straight, doesn't it? We lack universal health care. We have an infrastructure that's crumbling. We have hordes of jobless people. Poor and destitute people. But by golly, we'll defend our country and our way of life against outsiders. And we'll show 'em all how to live. That we Americans have the good life. And we'll defend ourselves. So that you barbarians can't take it away. --Jim Broede

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