Thursday, April 22, 2010

Another name for the team good.

I've gotta give my Chicago Cubs credit. For being innovative. The team has strengths. And plenty of weaknesses, too. For instance, the starting pitching is among the best in baseball. But the relief pitching is atrocious. The Cubs routinely blow games in the late innings. So after 14 games, the Cubs have decided to take their highest paid ace starting pitcher Carlos Zambrano and turn him into a one-inning set-up man. To pretty much pitch only the 8th inning. To get the game to the Cubs effective 9th inning closer. I don't know if it'll work. But it's worth a try. Some baseball writers in Chicago think it's folly. Stupid. But they ain't imaginative. As far as I'm concerned, nothing ventured, nothing gained. The Cubs are merely trying to take one of the team's strengths and use it to fix a weakness. It's simple. The Cubs have an excess of starting pitching and a severe lack of relief pitching. Yes, I'd borrow from Peter to pay Paul. Just the way we need to run society. I want the rich to help the poor. Let's spread the wealth. Let's serve the common good. Which is another name for the team good. --Jim Broede

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