Thursday, April 29, 2010

Let's show some compassion.

I'm sensing that we have too many nervous and uptight Americans. Maybe it's the state of the economy. We seem to be wrangling with each other. Divided politically. And there's no issue that divides us more than immigration. Personally, it doesn't bother me that we may have millions of illegal immigrants. I'd have relaxed immigration laws. And I'd grant amnesty to many of the illegals. Especially if they have jobs. And if they are staying out of trouble. That probably goes for the vast majority of 'em. Let's show some compassion. I think immigrants, whether they are legal or illegal, are looking for a better life. The USA was settled by immigrants. Vast numbers. From many countries. It was quite a melting pot. Even my grandfather sneaked into this country. From Germany. Good for him. For me, too. He met his wife here. And they had three children, including my father. Personally, I think we have much bigger problems to worry about than illegal immigrants. The state of the economy, for instance. And the unregulated bankers on Wall Street. They are causing more societal, economic and political problems than undocumented immigrants. --Jim Broede


Anonymous said...

The HUGE difference is, that your and my ancestors put back in to this country, didn't just take what they could get out. HUGE difference. It is totally ignorant to not believe the negative impact on our economy.

Tell me, what do you have against becoming legal? It is not difficult. WE welcome more LEGAL immigrants as permanent citizens than all the countries in the world COMBINED. Can't complain about that!

There is always going to be a bigger or smaller problem. That is a cop-out. It is also foolish to keep stating that, because someone doesn't support illegal immigration, that they are against immigrants. Just as it is foolish to state that someone is against health care reform, just because they are against particular points of it.

Broede's Broodings said...

Ponder the undeniable fact that many of our swine capitalist citizens are bilking us now, dear anonymous. Such as the Wall Street bankers. They've pilfered dough right and left. And they've left our economy in a shambles. If we had any kind of justice in the USA, they'd be going to jail. So don't talk to me about legalities. They're illegal and they get away with it. So why do you want to come down on illegal immigrants? When you don't clamor for coming down on illegal bankers? You've got a double standard, don't you? --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

Stop to think, dear Anonymous. Apple and oranges have something in common. They are fruit. It's taking only a few Wall Street bankers to bring down the U.S. economy. They cause far more damage than all the illegal immigrants in the world. --Jim

Anonymous said...

They are BOTH problems that need to be fixed.

Broede's Broodings said...

Agreed. And let's fix the immigration problem by granting amnesty. And then let's live happily ever after. --Jim

Anonymous said...

OK, so we grant blanket amnesty to all illegal immigrants. What is the next step?

Broede's Broodings said...

We learn to live and let live. --Jim

Anonymous said...

I think this could satisfy us both: