Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It all comes down to love.

My idea of an ideal society has government playing a big part in our lives. Some of us have an innate fear of government. But government can be good. Just as well as bad. And we have it in our power to make government work for the common good. If government goes sour, it’s because we make it so. Unfortunately, some are so distrustful of government that they want virtually no government at all. In other words, leave everything to individual manipulators. To allow people to do as they pretty damn well please. Which I think leads to chaos. Which is a way of life. Just let things happen. And learn to live in a chaotic state. I think we are coming closer and closer to such a condition. Therefore, it’s up to me to organize my little fiefdom. In my cocoon. I must escape into my little niche, my corner of the world. And make the best of it. That’s what I’m doing now. In the wee hours of morning. Making sense of the chaos. I’m at ease. At peace. For the moment, at least. I have tranquility. Serenity. A sense of love. Loving. And being loved. And it doesn’t matter, really, what type of government I’m living under. Even if I’m living in a chaotic world. Because I have the ability to make sense of it all. I find my own meanings. And that gives me stability. I flit back and forth. Between sanity and insanity. Overall, I am crazy. But I’ve invented a good kind of crazy. By isolating myself from the chaos. By cultivating love. Yes, the love of life. The love of another being. –Jim Broede

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