Saturday, April 3, 2010

A diet of bullshit.

I suspect we Americans are the most ill-informed people in the world. Oh, I’ll concede that we have more access to the media than anyone. But that’s precisely what makes us ill-informed. Because we’re fed crap. Distortions. Lies. Asinine sound bites. At least in some other parts of the world, people are living in relative isolation. Maybe even on a desert island. Which could be the most ideal place to live. Especially if there was no access to newspapers and television. It’d be better to not know anything rather than be exposed to the endless vomit spewed by the media. Mainly from the mouths of politicians. These ain’t credible people. They’re full of bullshit. And that’s what we’re fed day in and day out. A diet of bullshit. And then almost daily, the poll-takers tell us what’s on our minds. So we know what the ill-informed citizenry is thinking. Of course, it should be no surprise that many of us think like the bubbleheads on the Fox Network and talk radio. We are all beginning to have the mentality of Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and, yes, lunatics from the far right fringe of the Republican Party. Little wonder that my country is in a mess. After all, we’re going to hell. If we haven’t already arrived. We don’t know any better. Because we are stupid, ill-informed people. –Jim Broede

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