Sunday, April 18, 2010

We're on a suicidal path.

I think we Americans have bad attitudes. We tend to be defeatists. And we don't trust each other. At least that seems to be the case on the governmental level. We are basically divided into two hostile camps. The Democrats. The Republicans. Used to be that members of both political parties had respect for each other. They even socialized. But no more. In many instances, they have learned to hate each other. It's as if the Civil War never ended. We each want our own way. No give and take. We are even starting to organize militias. Readying ourselves for armed conflict. Used to be that the enemy was the communists. The outsiders. Oh, we take on the Muslim terrorists. But we also have our home-grown terrorists. From the lunatic fringes. Yes, we Americans are bent on destroying ourselves. From within. We aren't gonna leave it to outsiders. We'll show the world. America is fully capable of committing suicide. --Jim Broede

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