Thursday, May 13, 2010

At least, god cares.

Too often, I don't know the people I'm dealing with. For instance, right here in this blog. Almost everyone chooses to remain anonymous. And when I try to contact a business with a simple inquiry, I get a recording. Gives me all sorts of information. Just about everything except what I want to know. It's almost impossible to get a real live being. And when I do get one, often it's someone with a hard-to-understand accent in some faraway place. Maybe India. If I have trouble with software on my computer, I call the manufacturer. That is, if I can get a number. Often, they don't take phone inquiries. I have to use email. And pray that I'll get a reply. I have a better chance of reaching god than a fellow human being. At least god has a direct line. And he often answers. Himself. No secretary. No assistant. No department head. Now I'm sure god is awfully busy. Far busier than the folks I'm trying to reach by phone. So, if god has time to spare for me, why don't real people have the time? They do, I suppose. Only they don't seem to care. At least, god cares. --Jim Broede

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