Monday, May 17, 2010

Following our pied pipers.

How ironic. The very people who have presided over the decline of America may well be the very ones we elect to fix things. Think of it, folks. The neo-conservatives, the racists, the bigots are flocking to the Tea Party. They are out to unseat the incumbents. Regardless of political party. They hold their noses in the presence of both Republicans and Democrats. But hey, so very many of the Tea Party faithful have even a worse stench about ‘em. They’re rotten to the core. They’d finish the job of leading America down the path to ruination. And we nincompoops fall for their line. We buy into it. Because in difficult times, most of us tend to become more conservative. We think that’s the safe way to play the political and economic games. When really, it’s gawd-awful dangerous. We’ll hold hands and jump off the cliff. Together. A little like the zombies at Jonestown. They drank the poisoned lemonade. Willingly. One wonders how people can be so stupid. But we are. It happens often. Every strong and powerful and righteous nation has declined. Come to an end. Rather tragically. Because the masses didn’t know any better. They were suckered in. They followed their leaders. The pied pipers. Into oblivion. –Jim Broede

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