Friday, May 28, 2010

An offer I can refuse.

I've been offered an opportunity to become a part-time paid care-giver. In large part because I have the experience. I spent 13 years as my dear Jeanne's care-giver. When she had Alzheimer's. Initially, I hated the job. It took too much out of me. But eventually, I learned how to handle it. And I became proficient. And quite compassionate and understanding. Really. I actually enjoyed caring for Jeanne. But I'm not sure that I'd want to become a hired care-giver. Actually getting paid for it. I might do it voluntarily. For no pay. But I think there's something wrong about becoming a paid care-giver. For me, that is. --Jim Broede


Broede's Broodings said...

The offer comes from a neighbor. She wants me to pitch in and help care for her parents, both on the decline from Alzheimer's. She's trying to keep her parents in her home. Which is a noble effort. And she's getting a big assist from her husband. But still, the task is overwhelming. --Jim

Broede's Broodings said...

I have mixed feelings over whether to do it. Maybe I'll share those feelings here sooner or later. --Jim