Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I just focus on being me.

I have never wanted to be all things to all people. That would be stupid. In addition to being impossible. Instead, I like to pick my own priorities. Do pretty much as I please. Although I like doing nice things. For and with other people. I also like to stir a ruckus or two. Rock the boat. Some people tell me what they want me to be. That's a mistake. On their part. I'm pretty much a live-and-let-live guy. Albeit, I'll take issue with people. For their opinions. Especially if I think they are saying something stupid. I say stupid things, too. Because I like to impersonate other people. In a poking fun sort of way. Anyway, since i can't be all things to all people, I just focus on being me. --Jim Broede

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