Monday, June 14, 2010

I want to think more like god.

I want to become a citizen of the world. Not just of the USA. I don't want to be known as strictly an American. Because that's too limiting. I can even fathom a world government. I like my heritage. Czech on my mother's side. German on my father's side. But that's only one small part of me. I want to feel at home no matter where I am. Could be in Africa. Or Asia. Or the South Sea islands. Anywhere on planet Earth. Or for that matter, on the moon or Mars. Or at distant places in the cosmos. Thousands of light years away. My guess is that god considers all of creation to be his home. Maybe that's the way I should think, too. Like god. After all, weren't we folks supposed to have been made in the image of god? --Jim Broede

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