Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I'm inclined to never say die.

We Americans really need a grand leader. I mean a really good one. Someone that goes down as another George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. I thought for a while that maybe we had the makings of one. In Barack Obama. But I'm beginning to wonder if we are doomed. As a nation. Without a leader. Instead, mere figureheads that lead us down the path of decline and fall. We Americans are probably gonna get what we deserve. Annihilation. A crumbling of our society. A nation that once had high-sounding principles. But lost its way. Partly because of an everybody-for-himself mentality. A capitalist economy that rotted from the inside. And no sense of the common good. But maybe some day we can start from scratch. Lift ourselves off the scrap heap. And form a more perfect union. By learning from our many, many mistakes. What the hell. I'm inclined to never say die. --Jim Broede

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