Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm the master of my own destiny.

Doesn't really matter if the world goes to hell. Because an individual can still build his own world. His cocoon, so to speak. A hideout. A cloister. A refuge. I've seen lots of turmoil in the world. Hardly a time without a war. Even two or three wars at the same time. I've seen economic downturns. And all kinds of catastrophes and disasters. I would have wished for better times. But still, I'm a happy camper. Because I'm innovative. I know how to survive. And in the process, to feel reasonably free. For instance, I'm free to fall in love. With someone. And with life, in general. I know I can't overturn the government. I can't change the world. But I can isolate myself. And make myself more or less harmless. I'm no real threat to the powers that be. Even when I mouth off. Because I don't have mass appeal. I have a handful of compatriots. Friends. In other words, I make do. I become the master of my own destiny. --Jim Broede

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