Monday, June 28, 2010

In America, it's survival of fittest.

I was brought up to be competitive. To try to be better than the next guy or gal. To excel. By comparing myself to others. Yes, I was brought up in the American way. But I don't necessarily buy into it today. I know better. I don't particularly like the American way. It's all right for some people. But not for me. Because competition often means to cheat. To win at all costs. That's not very nice. Might even be immoral. And it's just not the way to live, in my humble opinion. I've been turned off by American style capitalism. And by American politics. Because it's downright nasty. Permeated by a win at all cost philosophy. Too often, fairness doesn't matter. The individual good is put ahead of the common good. It's considered a personal weakness for someone to emphasize the common good. It's unAmerican. Because then one doesn't believe in survival of the fittest. Even if it means society as a whole fails. --Jim Broede

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