Monday, June 21, 2010

It'll take forever to find the truth.

I like to support people by getting them to think. Often, by disagreeing with them. By taking issue. I'm told by some that's not being very supportive. Instead, I should agree with people. And tell them that everything they do is right and correct. That they are wise and perceptive. Geniuses. Oh, that approach is all right at times. But often, it's not being truthful. And I'm of the notion that it's truth that sets us free. Of course, I know that truth can be a rather elusive commodity. And maybe some of us never discover the truth. Ah, but the search for the truth. That's the wonderful part of life. Even if we don't find the truth. Anyway, I want to live forever. Because I expect that's how long it'll take me to find the truth. --Jim Broede

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