Sunday, June 6, 2010

Maybe I could roll a 300 game.

Crap happens. But I don't let it bother me too much. Because it wouldn't really make a difference. Even if it bothered me. So I just get on with life. And find a reason to be happy. Despite the crap. I'm a little like the mythical Sisyphus. Condemned to push a huge boulder up a hill, only to have it slip away and roll back down the hill just before reaching the top. Never quite making it. But Sisyphus and I enjoy the trek down. We take our time. Enjoy the scenery. And the good weather. And we thank god for giving us the strength and stamina to be able to push the rock. And I even dream of becoming a sculpturer, so that I can make something of the boulder. A work of art. But I also could put some pins at the bottom of the hill. And turn the boulder into a huge bowling ball. Maybe I could roll a 300 game. Now that ain't crap. It's an achievement. --Jim Broede

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