Monday, June 7, 2010

So far, so good.

I think we can choose what we want to be. Happy or unhappy. Nobody commands that I have to be one or the other. It's my choice. That's why I marvel when I see unhappy people. Especially if they are unhappy over a long period of time. Because there are so many opportunities to be happy. Personally, I can't stand to be unhappy. If I'm in the doldrums, I have to find my way out. So I feel my way. I do things. Until I discover happiness again. Yes, I consciously search for happiness. And I always find it. Sooner or later. Thank gawd. I have free will. I'm not compelled to be unhappy. Of course, I can be. If I want to. But that would mean I have a sick mind. And I don't want to be sick. I want to be well. And happy. So far, so good. --Jim Broede

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