Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Trying to make the best of reality.

Conservative politicians and pundits are foaming at the mouth. So concerned that Elena Kagan will be an 'activist' justice if appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court. So what? There already are conservative activists on the court. Why not a liberal activist? Sometimes, it's necessary to fight fire with fire. Liberals find it effective to counter with some of the same tactics used routinely by conservatives. That's the nature of politics, isn't it? Sure, the Supreme Court should be above politics. But it ain't. We have a civil war being waged in America. Between the Democrats and Republicans. Between the liberals and the conservatives. It's not a good thing. But that's the way it is. I don't have to like reality. But I have to accept it. And try to make the best of it. --Jim Broede

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