Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm mostly an upbeat guy.

I don't let things get me down. That's really the secret of my happiness. A way to stay out of depression. If something goes wrong in my life, I either correct it, or write it off. Knowing that there are some things I can't change. And it makes no sense stewing over it. Of course, there are lots of things I don't like. I don't hesitate letting that be known. Better to say it. Let it out. Rather than holding it within. Maybe that's why I write. I put eveything from ecstacy to displeasure into words. I'm a lover. And that includes a lover of words. I especially like to write love letters. Because that's a form of positive expression. Makes me feel good. And makes the recipient feel good, too. I like to spread joy. And love. But I also can be mean. Sarcastic. I hurl barbs at people I don't particulary like. Such as Republicans. And racists. Often they don't show other people much respect. So I give 'em a taste of their own medicine. And it doesn't bother my conscience one bit. Oh, I do have a conscience. I don't want to mistreat nice people. And if I do, I apologize. But let's face it. Not all people are nice. The world is full of despots and snobs and lunatics. But for the most part, the world is a nice place populated by nice people. Little wonder that I'm mostly an upbeat guy. --Jim Broede

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