Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Putting the final nail in the coffin.

I see a suicide about to happen. And I can't do anything about it. It's beyond my control. I'd like to step in. And prevent it. That would be the decent thing to do. If only I had the power. The wherewithal. So I'm gonna accept it. Take it. Without too much grieving. My life will still go on. And I'll be happy. I'm used to suicides. I've known people close to me who took their own lives. Including my father. Some 61 years ago. Usually, the suicides have come as a surprise. As if there was no forewarning. But the one I'm waiting for now will be no surprise. That's the terrible part. I know it's gonna happen. And I feel helpless about it. Yes, my own country. The grand and glorious USA. Is about to commit suicide. By returning the Republicans to power this fall. That'll put the final nail in my country's coffin. Sad, isn't it? --Jim Broede

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