Saturday, July 17, 2010

Sadly, everyone can be bought.

Money is the root of evil. At least in the realm of politics. Our politicians, especially the ones in Washington, are owned by people with money. Doesn't matter what we voters do. Our votes don't count. Unless we have money. Lots of money. Money speaks. It catches the ears of our congressmen and senators. And that makes democracy a sham. If we can't afford to buy access to our government officials, we might as well just go away. I'd like to see money taken out of politics. But that won't happen. The system is the system. It's controlled by the rich. That's why the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. We ordinary folks that don't qualify as rich would like to change the system. And we'd vote for anyone that promises change. But the promises are empty. Because virtually everyone can be bought. Sad, isn't it? --Jim Broede

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