Saturday, August 28, 2010

A clever but idiotic ploy.

I would like to do as I damn well please. Only thing is, that would be unfair to other people. I have to consider the rights of others. That's why I ain't a political conservative or a libertarian. They want to do as they damn well please. And to hell with everybody else. Anyway, I guess I will settle for saying what I damn well please. There's a big difference between talking and doing. I find it necessary to honor the rights of other people. Such as blacks and other minorities. I want a society in which there's no discrimination. Yes, I am opposed to racism because it's downright immoral. I am opposed to conservative Republicans and the likes of talk show hosts Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh, too. Not for what they say. But what they propose to do. Commit immoral acts. By stripping minorities of their gawd-given rights. In a sense, Beck and Limbaugh are little Hitlers. They seem to believe in white supremacy. They think the real racists are black people and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. They think that whites have the right to call themselves supreme. And that to be denied that right is racist. They'd like to turn this whole racist thing on its head. It's a clever ploy. But idiotic. And immoral. --Jim Broede

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