Sunday, August 29, 2010

Many ways to express one's self.

I like to talk. And think. Out loud. And I do not mind if I am overheard. That is what this blog is. Talking. Thinking. About what occupies my mind. My heart. My soul. I am an explorer. Like Columbus. And I like to travel. To take journeys. Inside myself. My greatest discovery. Happens to be the fact that I am an alive and conscious being. Incredible. How I got here, I have no idea. And why at this time? I don't know. But doesn't matter. I am feeling my way. Finding a new horizon every day. And I just keep heading for it. To see what's beyond. And I always see another horizon. It's an endless expanse. And my greatest find of all. It's love. I have found genuine and true love. Not once. But twice. I know not where or when it will end. But possibly it will never end. That is my greatest hope. My greatest desire. All I know is that I am alive today. And I have so much to savor. I can talk. Think. And write. Which is pretty much the same as talking. Writing allows me to capture words. And thoughts. Maybe that's the grestest invention of all. The written word. In so many languages. I marvel at people who have mastered several languages. Sounds. Noise. Music. Yes, music is a language, too. Maybe that's my second language. Makes me bilingual. And I like the language of love. It's inventive. And intimate. I like the language of happiness. And sadness. The language of contrast. And then there's the language of touch. A caress. A kiss. So many ways to express one's self. --Jim Broede

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