Thursday, September 30, 2010

I confessed to the theft.

The other day, I stole some flowers from my neighbor's yard. He has too many flowers. Including some lovely orange flowers. I don't know what they are called. Other than pretty. I swiped four of 'em. Put them in a vase. On my desk. And when I connected with my girlfriend in Italy, on Skype, the audio-video network, I presented her with the bouquet. I said the flowers were courtesy of my neighbor, the Olsons. That they gladly surrendered the flowers. That they had far too many flowers. And that in a week or two they'd go to waste. Because we'll have a hard freeze by then. Anyway, later I saw Mrs. Olson out in the yard. And I told her I saw a thief run off with flowers. Yes, I confessed. I asked her for the name of the flowers. She was embarrassed. Because she didn't know. Her husband is the master gardener. He knows all the names. Maybe he'll tell me some day. -Jim Broede

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