Sunday, September 19, 2010

I find a way.

I've survived every sadness and disappointment in my life. The death of my mother, my father, my brother, my dear sweet Jeanne. And I'm still happy as a lark. I despise many American politicians. I'm no fan of the capitalist system. And my Chicago Cubs haven't won a World Series in 102 years. But still, I have no serious complaints about life. I'm happy. Even when I am in the depth of despair over events, I tell myself, give it time. I do. And I ultimately become happy again. Yes, sooner or later, happiness is like cream. It comes to the top. And the sadness is buried below. Beneath the surface. And life becomes far more than tolerable and bearable. It becomes wonderful. Because I find a way. To fall in love again. With someone. With life. --Jim Broede

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