Saturday, September 11, 2010

The land of the selfish.

Nobody is putting people back to work. Not the Democrats. Not the Republicans. Not the Tea Party. Nobody seems to care. Nobody wants to take the bull by the horns and wrestle with it. And solve our nation's terrible economic problems. Mainly, it's that we have so many, many jobless people. Oh, we could solve the problem. By creating jobs. Enough jobs to put everyone back to work again. Private sector jobs. Public sector jobs. But we ain't gonna do it because we Americans have lost our sense of humanity. We don't do the right thing. Because it'll cost too much money. We'd have to tax the rich. More and more. Maybe the middle class, too. It would take a sacrifice equal to the sacrifice we Americans made to win World War II. But we ain't up to it. Because we are a nation of selfish people. Only looking out for our individual selves. Rather than for the common good. The 'haves' want to keep what they've got. And they want more. They don't give a damn for the 'have-nots.' So we'll keep allowing the rich to become richer. And the poor to become poorer. That's the new grand tradition of America. Not the land of the free anymore. But the land of the selfish. --Jim Broede

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