Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Politics: The game ain't fair.

I never did like politics. The very nature of it. But still, I have been captivated all my life by politics. I even became actively involved in local politics. Even got elected to a school board. And I've written about politics all my life. I know lots of politicians. Especially on the local, county and state levels. And some politicians are pretty nice. But overall, I find politics distasteful. Because it's so partisan. Lacks objectivity. And often becomes downright petty. I have never joined a political party per se. Albeit, if i did, it'd probably be a weak splinter party. Maybe socialist. I abhor Republicans. I can stomach some Democrats. Maybe even some communists. I suppose I am sort of independent. But not a modern-day independent, the ones that usually sound wishy-washy. They often seem to be influenced at the last minute by inane sound bites. As do many voters. I don't like the American two-prty system. Ain't enough contrast. I'd rather see multiple parties, none with a clear-cut majority. That would require coalitions to form. Which increases the likelihood of compromise. Unfortunately, there isn't much give and take in modern American politics. We get stuff shoved down our throats. By extremists. That ain't fair. But maybe that's why I don't like politics. The game ain't played fair. --Jim Broede

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