Sunday, September 19, 2010

Shame on us.

I'll tell you what the Republican hierarchy and many white Americans can't stand. The fact that we have a black president. It gnaws at their guts. These racists. Oh, you won't ever get 'em to admit that they are racists. But it's obvious. With their little hidden hatred of Barack Obama. They think of themselves and white people in general as far superior to blacks. They are annoyed because Obama refuses to take his seat at the back of the bus. He isn't humble enough to suit white racists. They slur Obama. Call him a no-good socialist. An Islamic sympathizer. They say he's not even an American citizen. That he was foreign born. They tell one lie after another. Oh, these fuming racists go to sleep at night grinding their teeth. They're so damn mad. So angry. A black man in the White House. They never thought they'd see such a day. It infuriates 'em. They'd like to see the return of the Ku Klux Klan. And a burning of a cross on the White House lawn. They'd like to lynch Obama. And bring back Jim Crow. Yes, these racists are the scourge of America. Makes us seem uncivilized. Petty bigots. Sometimes, it makes me ashamed to be an American. Certainly would if this motley crew ever becomes the majority. And seizes power. --Jim Broede

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