Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Acceptance makes me happy.

If I'm not happy, I invariably ask myself, 'What can I do to make myself happy?' And I start listing the ways. And when I reach 101, I quit. And choose the one that I like best. Usually, all it takes is reminding myself that I'm in love. And if I'm not in love at the moment, then I try to fall in love. With something. Or somebody. But I don't have to be in love to be happy. Instead, I might simply remind myself that I'm in good health. And that makes me happy. However, I know people who can't find even a single reason to be happy. And here I am, with 101 reasons. That annoys some depressed people when I tell them I have so many choices, so many happiness options. They think I'm a stinker. Rubbing it in. And that life is unfair. And I concur. It is unfair. To some degree. One has to learn to accept the unfairness. To cope with it. And still find happiness. Because it ain't always fair. When I see something that's unfair, or wrong, I try to correct the situation. That is, if it can be corrected. And that makes me happy. But there are some situations that can't be changed. So maybe I have to accept an unfairness. But the fact that I've learned to accept what i can't change -- well, that makes me happy. --Jim Broede

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