Saturday, October 23, 2010

I made it good -- for Jeanne.

Someone asked me today if I thought that the nursing home where Jeanne stayed for the last 38 months of her life was a good nursing home. Depends, I said. If one is moreorless left abandoned in a nursing home, it ain't good. It's good only if the patient has a supplemental care-giver. One who's there virtually every day -- to supplement the care given by the professional staff. For instance, if I hadn't shown up daily, Jeanne would have had one shower a week. Instead of the seven I gave her. And she would have eaten all of her meals in the noise and turmoil of the congregate dining area. But I fed Jeanne lunch and supper in the quiet privacy of her room. So she could focus strictly on dining. Without disturbance. And residents of nursing homes rarely get outdoors. But I saw to it that Jeanne got out for fresh air daily. In her wheelchair. Even in the dead of winter. Wrapped in a thermal sleeping bag. Anyway, we made the nursing home experience work. So it was a good nursing home. Because I saw to it. If I hadn't, it would have been a bad nursing home. --Jim Broede

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