Friday, October 29, 2010

I'd have fine socialist company.

If I'm not a full-fledged socialist, I'm certainly a socialist sympathizer. I like the idea of socialism. Certainly, I rank socialism far higher than American-style capitalism. When I let people know that I'd make a good socialist, some of 'em are aghast. Generally, it takes some Republicans by surprise. They think I'm too smart and nice to be a socialist. They have an impression that socialists are stupid and evil. And that they have leprosy. Therefore, they should be avoided. Or at least be put away in an institution. I tell them that I became a supporter of socialism when I learned that Jesus was a socialist. Or at least he sounded like one. No way was he a capitalist. After all, he suggested that a rich man should give away all of his money -- that is, if he ever wanted to get into the kingdom of heaven. Jesus was a little like Robinhood. He would have taken from the rich and given to the poor. I'm not convinced that Jesus was the son of god. But I'm pretty certain that he would have voted for the socialists. If there had been a socialist party in his day. --Jim Broede

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