Sunday, October 31, 2010

I'm keeping an open mind.

I think thousands of people commit suicide every day. Without it being called suicide. They simply will themselves to die. Could be that's what my mother did some years ago. After she got to be 88, she had enough of life. So she just upped and died. Because that's what she wanted. She made the decision. Just as my father did back in 1949. But his death was ruled a suicide. Because he used a more traditional way of killing himself. With a rope around his neck. Others may just choose to drive a car off the road and hit a tree at a high speed. I suspect that the number of suicides are grossly underestimated. Many of us are horrified over the thought of suicide. But seems to me it's a legitimate way to die. So far, I haven't reached that point. I'm very much in love with life. And if I had my druthers, I'd choose to live forever. In good health, of course. But then, I might change my mind some day. I'm into life with an open mind. --Jim Broede

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