Sunday, October 31, 2010

Moving closer to an ideal society.

I consider myself fair-minded. In that I'll give people the benefit of the doubt. That they aren't evil. They don't intentionally do bad things. Maybe they are just stupid. Unable to think. And reason. The rich, for instance, may think that it's perfectly all right and moral to have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. Nothing wrong with the rich becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer. I guess they conclude that if the poor want to become less poor, they can strive to become rich. They don't have to remain poor. But I'm of the mind that circumstances sometimes work against people. Some have less ability than others. Less opportunity. For a variety of reasons. Some of which are imposed by the advantaged. By the rich. Often, the rich are in a position to exploit the poor and the middle class. By using their money to buy influence. Therefore, the rich are continually building their advantage. I happen to think that at some point that becomes wrong. Immoral. Contrary to the common good. I'm of the notion that it's time in the USA for the wealthy to sacrifice their individual good for the common good. Only then will we move closer to an ideal and moral society. --Jim Broede

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