Wednesday, October 13, 2010

One must want...with passion.

I've been cautioned by a friend to not talk about depression. Here in my blog. That people don't like to be reminded that maybe they are in depression. And then I come along and tell them they don't have to be in depression. That they have a choice. And they counter that they don't have a choice. That they are condemned to depression. Maybe because of a chemical or hormonal imbalance. Or just because... Yes, I'm of the mind that one can talk one's way out of depression. With psychotherapy. By probing one's depths. One can become one's own and best psychotherapist. By talking to one's self. By getting to know one's soul. One's self. Yes, that's the best therapy of all. Believing in one's self. I've talked to people on the verge of suicide. Because of depression. They don't want to live any more. They cannot stand the despair. The hopelessness. I talked to one the other night. He's hooked on drugs. And says that's the only thing that makes him happy. But he sounded more in despair than happy. There was no reasoning with him. I told him to call back. When he's sober. But he won't. His life has jettisoned out of control. Because he has lost his way. He doesn't know how to pursue happiness. I don't know if it can be taught. Maybe you either have it. Or you don't. I suspect that one must really want happiness. With a passion. Otherwise, it will remain elusive forever. --Jim Broede

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