Friday, October 29, 2010

The saddest part of all.

The sad truth is that many people in America, and the world for that matter, are in dire need of help. All kinds of help. Some are dirt poor and can't afford anything. Others are starving. Some are physically or mentally sick, and just left to fend for themselves. Yes, that's reality in this world. Even in rich and prosperous nations. There are haves and have-nots. I know it as well as anyone. But I don't do much about it. Not nearly enough. Guess I'm like just about everyone else. I advocate serving the common good. Redistributing the wealth in a way that helps the have-nots. I suppose I could do more as an individual. But I don't. The same goes for our society as a whole. And for government. We rationalize sometimes. That the have-nots need to have more gumption. More get up and go. But that's not always the case. Some people are ill or destitute or in need because of no fault of their own. But we, and that includes me, don't do enough meaningful things about it. That's the saddest part of all. --Jim Broede

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