Friday, October 8, 2010

Sadly, the system always prevails.

Too many of us believe what we read and hear. In the news media. And that's sad. Because much of it is bullshit. Propaganda. Often from political operatives. Ads calculated to influence one's thinking. Calculated to effect public opinion. Not necessarily with facts. But with impressions. The idea isn't to get people to think. But to become robots. We are bombarded with all sorts of crap. Especially now as the fall election approaches. Few people have time to examine the issues. To really think. In depth. Objectively. And fairly. Instead, we form opinions. Based largely on 30-second sound bites. Many of us won't even bother going to the polls. Because it's so confusing. And time-consuming. All I know is that I won't vote for a Republican. At least knowingly. Even in a race for the city council or school board. It's no secret. I abhor Republicans. I don't particularly like politicians from other parties, either. It's only now and then that a candidate catches my fancy. Such as Barack Obama. And then, even he disappoints me. Because I want him to do more. To bring about real change. And I'm stupid enough to think that one man can do it. Can perform miracles. But inevitably, I have to admit that I am wrong. One man can't do much. Because he's caught up in a system constructed to stymie change. The old politics always comes to the surface, and wins the day. And so things stay the same. Because one can't fight the system. And still win. Sadly, the system always prevails. --Jim Broede

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