Sunday, October 31, 2010

We're putting bunglers in charge.

Some of my capitalist friends tell me I'm stupid. For being a socialist sympathizer. Look around, they say. Socialism has failed. I tell them it has worked. Reasonably well. In places like Sweden. But they dispute that. They only see a failed socialism. Of course, they think that American-style capitalism has succeeded. Thrived. But that's not my perception. I see capitalism as a failure. Look at the economic conditions in the USA and other capitalist countries. We've narrowly avoided another Great Depression. And we averted a total collapse by borrowing some forms of socialism. Government bail outs. And hey, what if we didn't have social security and medicare? Without these socialist programs we'd be in even more dire straits. Anyway, I'm not the stupid one. I keep an open mind. I see what works. And what doesn't work. And at the moment, American-style capitalism ain't working. But it could be fixed. With a big dose of socialism. But we Americans are too stupid to fix it. Instead, we'll put the Republicans in charge. And they're the biggest bunglers of all time. --Jim Broede

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