Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A blend of heaven and hell.

We Americans are moreorless divided into two camps. Like the Hatfields and McCoys. The Republicans and Democrats. The good guys and the bad guys. And I don't know what's gonna come of it. But I don't have a good feeling. Because we think of the other side as evil-doers. Which means there's no room for compromise. You aren't supposed to yield to the devil. We are a nation split. Republicans think of Democrats and liberals as scum. To be defeated at any cost. And Democrats think of Republicans and conservatives as the lowest form of life. To be stomped on like insects. The relationships are hateful. Being a socialist at heart, I'm much closer to the Democrats than I am to the Republicans. But I'm of the opinion that even god and the devil could work out a pact. A truce. And get along with each other. Sure, it may take compromise. Old-fashioned give and take. But for the sake of the American nation, it's worth a try. Maybe we'd have to live with a blend of heaven and hell. But hey, that's the real nature of the cosmos. An indication that even god and the devil came to an arrangement. --Jim Broede

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