Thursday, November 4, 2010

An epidemic of Alzheimer's.

Tell me, Republicans, what more could Obama and the Democrats have done to make for a better economy in the past two years? At least what they did was stifle another Great Depression. Instead, we had a Great Recession. And things have leveled off. Even gotten a little bit better. If not for some stimulus and bailouts, we'd probably have 20 percent unemployment today. Rather than 9.5 percent. Things could be far worse. And they would be if the conservative Republicans and Tea Party crackpots had been in charge the last two years. Well, now we'll see what happens in the next two years. With a Republican-controlled Congress. Actually, if the Republicans had control over the past two years, I shudder at what might have been. And now I shudder at what will be. Remember, it was the Republicans that got us into this mess in the first place. We Americans seem to have pretty short memories. Maybe we have an epidemic of Alzheimer's sweeping the nation. --Jim Broede

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