Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ignorance is bliss.

I suspect we're all living in relative isolation and ignorance. In our local communities. Not knowing much about what's going on around us or in the rest of the world. Because we're just busy taking care of ourselves. Many of us probably don't even have time to read the newspaper or listen to the news on TV or radio. And if we do, we get a distorted or sensationalized idea of what's really happening. We're supposed to be living in an information age. But we are bombarded mostly with bullshit. From hundreds of different directions. Hard to separate out the meaningful stuff. And even if we knew what was happening, there's not much we can do about it. I was in the news business much of my life. Writing stories daily of events in and around my local community, county and state. And even then, I knew very little of the big picture of life around me. Imagine what it would have been if I hadn't been in news business. And most people aren't in it. Comes down to the fact that we're all relatively ignorant. We may think we are well-informed. But we really ain't. And that's why we are in a big mess. Without really knowing it. But we still have the opportunity to be happy. Goes to show that ignorance is bliss. --Jim Broede

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