Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I'm for the proletariat.

I sense that some Americans think our civil servants/government workers are overpaid. And that their pensions are too good. Or so I've been told by a letterwriter. He/she said public employees are paid much better than workers in the private sector. And that the public employees have more job security and better benefits. The writer deplored the fact that public employees are so much better off. When really the concern should be over the sad plight of private sector workers. In essence, they are getting the shaft. The public sector is setting a fine example. The private sector's example is shameful. But not surprising in this capitalist-oriented society. Workers are treated second class. The big money goes to the owners and chief executive officers. Another reason why we have an ever-widening gap between the rich and the poor. We don't necessarily need a dictatorship of the proletariat. But we certainly need more fairness in our nation's economic system. So that the working class gets a bigger share of the wealth and better treatment. --Jim Broede

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