Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Like we've been doing. Forever.

Life and politics often have a strange way of playing out. When Barack Obama and Democrat majorities swept into Washington two years ago, it looked like the liberals had it made. And that the Republicans were virtually dead. My, my, how things have changed. Here we are. With mid-term elections today. And the Republicans are expected to regain control of congress. By plenty. And maybe even gain a majority in the U.S. Senate. That would be quite a feat. And normally that should make a socialist/liberal like me depressed. But no, I'm looking at the long term. For an optimistic scenario. Because now it'll be up to the Republicans to get us out of our economic morass. And if they fail and even make things worse in the next two years, maybe we'll have another resurgence of Democratic and liberal rule. We'll discover that electing Republicans or Democrats or any of the usual suspects won't make a significant difference. Because there's something rotten in the American form of government. Namely, the politicians. No matter their affiliations. And the fact that they can be easily bought by the big corporations. By the lobbyists. By the wealthy. And that's always gonna mean that those of us considered poor or middle class get the royal shaft. Maybe by 2012 ordinary Americans will wise up. And see the benefits of socialism. And the need to severely regulate American-style capitalism. We liberals and socialists can hope. Just like we've been doing. Forever. --Jim Broede

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