Thursday, November 18, 2010

Making life feel like an eternity.

I like mysteries. Things that I don't understand. And maybe never will. Even if I lived to be a million years old. For instance, the vastness of the universe. Of creation. The immense distance that separates us from the center of our Milky Way galaxy. That just to reach it might take 25,000 years traveling at a speed of light. Some 186,000 miles per second. And the fact that the Milky Way is only one of billions of galaxies, And each galaxy has billions of stars. And maybe billions of planets. Therefore, in all of creation there may be billions of earth-like planets. Teeming with all sorts of life forms. Yes, billions and billions of possibiities. Virtually limitless. And here we are. Stuck on a tiny planet. Barely a speck in all of creation. Wow! Makes me feel significant and insignificant. All at the same time. And if I've existed for only 75 years. That's such little amount of time. A flash. Less than an instant. Yet I am trying to make life feel like an eternity. By living one day at a time. --Jim Broede

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