Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My favorite pursuit.

I gripe about political, economic and social conditions on planet Earth. But I gotta admit that life is good. At least for me. I'm able to successfully pursue happiness. And in the end, that's what counts. To be reasonably happy. And I do that by being in love. Just letting myself go. I was in love with Jeanne for almost 40 years. Then she died. After a 13-year battle with Alzheimer's. That was almost 4 years ago. But here I am again. In love. With a beautiful and intelligent Italian woman. How can one guy be so lucky? Well, the way I look at it, I deserve it. So does my girlfriend. We deserve each other. That's the nature of love. When one is in love, that relationship takes priority. Makes everything else seem relatively trivial. In comparison. When I was younger, I never imagined that love could be so grand. So fulfilling. So pleasant. I've wanted to be lots of things in my life. Being a writer, for instance. But that's become secondary. I'd much rather be a lover. But I've learned to combine the two. By writing about love. My favorite subject. My favorite pursuit. --Jim Broede

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