Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sure beats being a politician.

What possesses one to become a politician? I suspect it's a lust for power. And for celebrity. And ego gratification. And that's what makes politicians dangerous. And untrustworthy. Their motivations. I once dabbled in local politics. Ran for and got elected to the school board. For three years. I had enough after that. I concluded that I had better things to do. Such as spend more time pursuing my family life. And love. I wasn't cut out for politics. But for something else. Oh, I still made my living. By writing about politics. For newspapers. And I got involved in movements that were political in nature. Such as civil rights. But I discovered that actually holding political office tends to be corrupting. Another thing. I discovered that what I want isn't necessarily what most people want. At least here in America. I'm really a socialist. Living in a capitalist society. I'd like to change all that. But it ain't gonna happen. At least not in my lifetime. So if I try to change the course of human events, I'll just be spinning my wheels. Fact of the matter is that I have no or little desire to change others. That would be a foolish endeavor. But it's the primary thrust of politicians. Instead, I much prefer the pursuit of happiness. My own happiness. And my true love's happiness. That's why I'm a lover. Sure beats being a politician. --Jim Broede

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