Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Italian way. It's pretty neat.

I grew up in a confrontational family. Before and after we siblings went our separate ways. When we occasionally gathered for holidays such as Christmas, it wasn’t always smooth going. We’d argue about almost anything. Past events. Present events. Future events. We’d disagree on political, economic, social and family matters. We’d criticize each other’s way of life. Anything for the sake of rancor. Still, I suppose, there was something nice about it all. If only because it was the Broede way. This Christmas, however, I learned that there are other ways. The Italian way, for instance. For the first time I spent a Christmas with an Italian family. And I witnessed relative peace and harmony. Oh, there was talk of politics. But no recrimination. Because everyone was agreed. Berlusconi is a cad. A no good bum. And the family members seemed close-knit. And cordial to each other. I’m not saying that we Broedes don’t like each other. But we have a different way of expressing ourselves. By lambasting each other. Maybe just to show that we are different. But I am having an easy time accepting the Italian way. Frankly, it’s pretty neat. –Jim Broede

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