Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Maybe Obama is on god's path.

Maybe Barack Obama will go down in history as the Great Compromiser. Willing to reach accommodation with his foes. To make friends, of sort, with virtually everyone. Even his opponents. I don't know if that works. But we'll see. I'm experimenting with such a strategy, too. By saying nice things about people who appear to be my enemies. My severest and often unprincipled critics. Let's compromise, I tell them. Let's reach accord. What will it take? I'm willing to give more than you. I never thought of that approach as even worthy of a try. But hey, maybe I should be more like Obama and go into this with an open mind. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Guess I should start by telling Republicans that they are nice guys and gals. And that they are making me see the light. Or maybe I should tell the devil I'm willing to sell my soul. That is, if the price is right. What do you have to offer me? Seems to me that even god was/is a compromiser. By deciding to make something less than a perfect world. By creating human beings. And Republicans. Therefore, god must be sending us a message. That it's all right for we humans to follow his example. And to compromise on our journey through life. Could be that Obama is one of god's many abiding disciples. --Jim Broede

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