Saturday, December 11, 2010

My unpredictability is a virtue.

Come to think of it, I don't mind being misunderstood. Rather like it in some ways. For instance, sometimes when I'm being funny, it's even funnier when people think I'm serious. Or the other way around. When I'm serious, they think I'm funny. Gets me to laugh. Either way. Fact of the matter is that occasionally I don't even know if I'm being funny or serious. So I let the listener decide. Talk about freedom of choice. Often enough, I like to bait people. Get them to nibble. And then I'll catch 'em. In a trap, of sorts. Contradicting themselves. Meanwhile, I have no qualms about contradicting myself. Because that's my nature. I'm inconsistent. And proud of it. Makes it hard to pin me down. See, I'm often in a state of flux. Trying to find the right answer. And the search can be elusive. I also have an open mind. I may have a particular opinion one minute, and I'll change it the next. Because I've heard a persuasive argument. In that sense, I'm unpredictable. I consider that a virtue. --Jim Broede

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