Tuesday, December 7, 2010

So many ways for me to create.

I'm impulsive. By doing what I feel like. On the spur of the moment. Rather than think about something. And then not do it. Often, I sit down and write. On impulse. Because I want to gather my thoughts. And it helps. By putting the thoughts into words. Written words. I find that thoughts are fleeting. They disappear. Vanish. And maybe they don't occur again. Unless I capture 'em in writing. I've been fascinated with the written word since I was a youngster. To see words that I created. On paper. And printed. In the sixth grade, I got 'A' in penmanship. Because I wanted to make words look beautiful. Maybe even better than sounding beautiful. Meanwhile, my penmanship has gone to hell. I scribble. Of course, it really doesn't matter. Because now I create words on a computer screen. Goes faster that way. And it's more legible. Now I'm creating a thread. For my blog. But later tonight, I'll write a love letter. That'll be a work of art. Similar to painting. But with words. Full of meaning. Oh, so many ways for me to create. With words. Written words. --Jim Broede

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